2024 - Round 6 Results - Mixed

Early week favourites again only won 4 of the 8 games this week, which made for generally low Head-to-Head Tipster scores. Best were Control The Ladder, MoSHPlay_Marg, and ENS_Linear’s 5 from 8, and worst were the RSMP twins 3 from 8.

That ENS_Linear performance was enough to lift it into a share of 1st place with Bookie Knows Best, both of them one tip ahead of MoSHPlay_Marg.

The all-Tipster average for the round was 4.1 from 8, which took the season-long figure to 34.9 from 54 (65%).

Margin prediction was weaker again this week, with mean absolute errors (MAEs) ranging from MoSHPlay_Marg’s 35.2 points per game to MoSSBODS_Marg’s 39.7, with the all-Predictor average coming in at 38.1 points per game, up almost 7 points per game on last week.

ENS_Linear did just enough to take top spot from Bookie_LPSO, and RSMP_Simple likewise did just enough to take 3rd from Bookie_3. Further down the table MoSHPlay_Marg dragged itself up to 8th and is now only 8 goals off the lead.

Log probability scores were all negative again this week, but best for MoSHPlay_Prob by some margin. Bookie_LPSO retained 1st place, however, ahead now of Bookie_OE and then Bookie_RE, with best of the MoS trio now comfortably MoSHPlay_Prob in 4th.


It was another regrettable week, with none of the close ones going Investors’ way, which resulted in all three Funds registering losses.

Overall, the Combined Portfolio finished down by 5.2c - the second-largest single round loss this season. It is now down by just under 4c on the season, that from a -4% ROT on a 1.11 turn.