2021 - Round 3 Results - More of the Same, Please

None of the Head-to-Head Tipsters bagged more than 5 from 9 this week, but three of the four that managed that return were from the MoS stable, which sees them all sitting atop the Leaderboard.

Margin prediction was also fraught in Round 3, with mean absolute error (MAE) values all in about the 42 to 45 points range. MoSHPlay_Marg did well enough to retain top spot, ahead of Bookie_Hcap and, now MoSHBODS_Marg. Seven Predicxtors remain within 4.5 goals of the lead.

None of the Head-to-Head Probability Predictors finished with positive log probability scores, though all of them finished with near-identical and only fractionally negative scores.MoSHBODS_Prob retains top stop, ahead of its two MoS brothers.


Profit for Investors in Round 3 - a healthy profit, in fact, and enough to more than erase the losses from the first two rounds, and thanks entirely to the Head-to-Head and Line Funds.

In aggregate, the Combined Portfolio is up by 3.1c, this from a +15% ROT on an 0.15 turn.