2018 - Round 2 Results - I Think Someone Shuffled The Deck

Only three TAB mid-week favourites finished in front this week so BKB, just like all but one of the Head-to-Head Tipsters, registered 3 from 9 for the round.

Consult The Ladder was the round's success story, its 6 from 9 propelling it to a two tip lead over the field. It's now at 13 from 18 (72%) for the season.

For the Margin Predictors, the story wasn't much better, with none of them producing a mean absolute error (MAE) below 30 points per game. Best was RSMP_Simple's 30.9, which was just good enough to see it end the round atop the Leaderboard, a mere 0.2 points ahead of Bookie_3, whose MAE for the week was about 1.8 points per game worse than RSMP_Simple's. The two MoS Predictors fared relatively poorly and now find themselves filling two of the bottom three places.

The all-Predictor average MAE for the week was 32.1 points per game.

Amongst the Head-to-Head Probability Predictors, it was negative scores for everyone, least negative for C_Prob and most negative for MoSSBODS_Prob. Still though, the bookie-based Predictors fill the top three places with Bookie-LPSO at the very top.


Investors suffered another small loss this week, the Overs/Unders Fund's success unable to fully offset the losses by the other two Funds.

This week's Combined Portfolio loss of 0.6c takes the season loss to 1.5c.