2014 - Round 8 Results (Wagering Update)

Round 8, which still has one wager-free game to be played before it's done, has provided Investors with their best single round return for the season.

All three Funds turned a profit this week, the Line Fund most of all, its 3 from 3 performance lifting its price by almost 7c and moving the Fund back into profit for the season as a whole for the first time since Round 2. To be fair, one of the week's collects came courtesy of a half-point line betting triumph on the Dees, but I reckon we'd have felt legitimately aggrieved if that wager had wound up a loser after the Dees had threatened to win outright for so much of the game.

The next-best return came from the Margin Fund, as Port Adelaide snuck inside the 10-19 point victory range by a solitary point. This Fund rose by a little under 4c on the round as a consequence, but remains deeply in the red for the season taken as a whole. It takes a while to recover from a 22-game losing wagering streak.

Two from three correct wagers from the Head-to-Head Fund was also sufficient to see it finish the round with a positive return - a little over 1c in its case - which served to increase this Fund's season-long profitability to a bit over 4c.

All told, the Fund's combined successes lifted the Recommended Portfolio by 4.6c, more than halving the Portfolio's season loss, leaving it down now by only 3.6c.

Just one more good week and the Portfolio could be returned to profit.