Predicting the Final Margin In-Running (and Does Momentum Exist)?

Just a short post tonight while we wait for the serious footy to begin. For this blog I've again called upon the services of Formulize, this time to find for me equations that predict the final victory margin for the Home team (which might be negative or zero) purely as a function of the scores at the various quarter breaks.
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Optimising the Wager: Yet More Custom Metrics in Formulize

As the poets Galdston, Waldman & Lind penned for the songstress Vanessa Williams: "sometimes the very thing you're looking for, is the one thing you can't see" (now try to get that song out of your head for the next few hours ...)
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Specialist Margin Prediction: Epsilon Insensitive Loss Functions

In the last blog we looked at Margin Prediction using what I called "bathtub" loss functions. For the current blog I've extended the range of loss functions to include what are called epsilon-insensitive loss functions, which are similar to the "bathtub" loss functions except that they don't treat absolute errors of size greater than M points equally.
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Specialist Margin Prediction: "Bathtub" Loss Functions

We know that we can build quite simple, non-linear models to predict the margin of AFL games that will, on average, be within about 30 points of the actual result. So, if you found a bet type for which general margin prediction accuracy was important - where every point of error contributed to your less - then this would be your model. This year we'll be moving into margin betting though, where the goal is to predict within X points of the actual result and being in error by X+1 points is no different from being wrong by X+100 points. In that environment, our all-purpose model might not be the right choice. In this blog I'll be describing a process for creating margin predicting models that specialise in predicting within X points of the final outcome.
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A Well-Calibrated Model

It's nice to come up with a new twist on an old idea. This year, in reviewing the relative advantages and disadvantages conferred on each team by the draw, I want to do it a little differently. Specifically, I want to estimate these effects by measuring the proportion of games that I expect each team will win given their actual draw compared to the proportion I'd expect them to win if they played every team twice (yes, that hoary old chestnut in a different guise - that isn't the 'new' bit).
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