2013 : MARS, Massey, Colley and ODM Ratings After Round 20

Geelong and Sydney traded places on the MARS Rating ladder this week, as did the Tigers and the Roos, and the Blues and the Crows, each swap representing a change of just a single ladder position. The round's only other movements were both more significant, each a two-position move, with West Coast climbing up into 8th, and Essendon sliding down into 11th.
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2013 : Round 20 - Wagers & Tips

Only Sunday's Crows v Roos game has escaped the collective attention of the MAFL Funds this week, the Head-to-Head Fund venturing a single wager on the Saints, the round's only clear home team underdog, the Line Fund also lining up behind the Saints but as well behind four home team favourites, and the Margin Fund strafing the schedule with SuperMargin wagers in seven games.
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2013 : Round 19 - Wagers & Tips

If MAFL had a bucket list, one thing still on it would be a successful wager on a drawn outcome, a feat that it has gone desperately close to achieving on a couple of occasions already this season when games on which the Margin Fund has opted for such a wager have been tied up deep into time-on in the final quarter. Not merely content, it seems, with going close, the Margin Fund has ventured not one but two such wagers for this weekend.
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2013 : Round 16 - Wagers & Tips

For the sixth week in a row the Head-to-Head Fund has seen fit to make just a single wager, and for the third time during this self-enforced period of restraint, its lone wager is on Port Adelaide. That head-to-head wager is joined by three Line bets, all on home team favourites facing between 20.5 and 74.5 points start, and by 10 SuperMargin wagers, two of them priced at an unfamiliar $17. Those two longshot SuperMargin gambles are down to Combo_NN2, which, as is its wont, is predicting unfashionably small victories by teams priced in the head-to-head market at $1.01.
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