2011 MARS Ratings After Round 21

Lots of jostling for minor placings this week as the teams from positions 8 through 15 participated in four games of pairwise leapfrog. The Gold Coast, meantime, shed a further 4.5 Ratings Points to put them just one decent shellacking away from emphatically claiming the title of lowest MARS rated team of all-time, an honour currently lumped upon the St Kilda team of 2001, which finished that season with a MARS Rating of 947.21.
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2011 MARS Ratings After Round 19

Near stasis again on the MAFL Ratings Leaderboard with only the teams rated last and second-last landing blows in the contest to avoid being labelled the Worst Team of 2011. Meantime Collingwood, now rated 1,065.9, have elevated themselves to be just over 2 points shy of the high-water mark set by the Dons of 2000 of 1,068.1 Ratings Points, the highest Rating achieved by any team in the time for which Ratings have been calculated (1999 to the present).
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2011 Round 19 Results: Another Assortment of Favourites

For a fleeting few minutes on Saturday afternoon as the Dogs seemed destined to secure the most remarkable of comebacks, MAFL was notionally in profit. But the Eagles rebounded, kicking the last 14 points, compounding Investor disappointment by not just winning but by covering the spread as well. Then, later that night, Freo capitulated to the Hawks, leaving it all up to the Pies and the Crows to salvage the round.
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Some bit.ly links for MAFL

The URL www.maflonline.squarespace.com is long and, if my weblogs are anything to go by, difficult to remember.

So, I've just used the bit.ly service to create redirects for the following URLs:

  • bit.ly/MAFLO
  • bit.ly/maflo
  • bit.ly/MAFLONLINE
  • bit.ly/maflonline
  • bit.ly/MAFLOnline

Typing any of these into your browser should now deliver you to the home page of the MAFLOnline website.

(I did try to get bit.ly/MAFL and bit.ly/mafl, but both were already taken.)


2011 Round 18 Results: The Favourites Prevail

When all eight favourites win and only four of them are home teams it's probably too much to ask that Investors will make a killing in the round, especially through the efforts of the Head-to-Head Fund. Fortunately, the Head-to-Head Fund's four from seven performance, which resulted in a 4.3% loss for that Fund was more than compensated for by the Line Fund's 4 from 4, which lifted that Fund by 11.3% and, consequently, Investor Portfolios by 3.5c on the round. That's the fourth straight week of profit during which the Portfolio price has risen by over 20c to now stand at 95.8c. Breakeven, thy shall be mine.
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2011 Round 18: Betting Like It Knows Something ...

How much start would I need to offer to tempt you to take the Suns with that start facing Collingwood on Saturday? Would 3 goals a quarter be enough? Well it's not enough for the Line Fund, which this week has passed on the opportunity to take the Suns with a record-breaking - well, in the context of my records, anyway - 80.5 points start. That's 15 points more than any other home team has received since at least 2006, and 5 points more than any other team has received in that time, period.
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2011 Round 16 Results: Eight from Nine

Sufficiently sizeable wins by the Hawks, Dons and Pies, and an upset victory by the Eagles, lifted the Recommended Portfolio by over 11c this week, leaving it now under 10c short of breakeven. Only the Gold Coast's inability to topple the Swans - an admittedly unlikely prospect, especially with the unfailingly-illuminating benefit of hindsight - prevented Investors from enjoying a blemish-free round of wagers. The financial cost of that result was just 0.3%, which can I think be legitimately labelled as the price of a small speculative wager gone wrong.
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