Happy New Year and Welcome to MAFL Online

Hi everyone and welcome to a new footy season and welcome to MAFL Online.

Right now I can't tell you exactly what will appear here or how it will differ from the e-mail newsletters that you received last year except to say that MAFL Online will be the place you'll come to get the week's tips, wagers and results.

There is, however, one important piece of information that's available now on this site: information about the Funds that will operate this year. It's a PDF and you can download it by right-clicking on the "Fund Descriptions" link in the top left-hand corner of the page. 

Almost certainly, a bit later in the year there'll be another website, MAFL Stats, that will carry other of the regular features such as the Alternative Premierships, Team Ratings, Surprisal information as well as the one-off pieces I occasionally write with a statistical flavour. I'll let you know when there's something on that site that's worth a look.

Until then, if you're thinking about investing this year please have a look at the PDF.

(BTW: I've turned on commenting for now, so feel free to leave a comment on the site if you'd like to)