2024 - Round 0 Results - A Fine Start

The bookmakers did a reasonable job of tipping winners this week, missing out only in the Lions v Blues game and even there only by a point.

Home Sweet Home and the MoS trio shared top honours with BKB on Head-to-Head Tipping, whilst Consult The Ladder finished with a startling 0 from 4.

The all-Tipster average for the round was 2.3 from 4, which took the all-season accuracy to just over 58%.

Margin prediction was quite strong this week, with mean absolute errors (MAEs) ranging only from 18.8 to 25.3 points per game, and 22.9 points per game across all Predictors.

Best was MoSHBODS_Marg’s 18.8 points per game, and worst was RSMP_Simple’s 25.3 points per game.

Log probability scores were positive only for MoSHBODS_Prob and MoSHPlay_Prob this week, and most negative for Bookie_RE.


Richmond’s 39-point loss to the Suns was the only thing preventing a clean sweep of collects this week as all three Funds, regardless, returned profits.

The Combined Portfolio finished up by almost 3c, that from a 37% ROT on a 0.08 turn.

It would be unreasonable to have asked for a better start to the wagering season.