2022 - Round 9 Results - It Happens

It was a week where most Head-to_Head Tipsters were at sixes and sevens, but in the best way possible. MoSSBODS_Marg was one of the sixes, as was MoSHBODS_Marg, which left them both, respectively in 1st and 2nd place, but now one tip closer to Bookie Knows Best and the RSMP twins.

The all-Tipster average was, again, 6.1 from 9, with Home Sweet Home the only Tipster recording a score under 6 from 9.

There was quite a lot of variability in the performance of Margin Predictors this week, with the range of mean absolute errors (MAEs) spanning Bookie_3’s best of 22.8 points per game to MoSSBODS_Marg’s worst of 31.8 points per game. The all-Predictor average came in at 27.9 points per game.

MoSHPlay_Marg still heads the Leaderboard, with MoSSBODS_Marg still in 2nd, and MoSHBODS_Marg in 3rd. Bookie_3 has, though, rocketed itself into 4th place after two successive best-in-class performances.

Log probability scores were all positive yet again this week, but narrowly best for the three bookmaker-based Predictors. MoSHPlay_Prob did enough, though, to move back into 1st place, ahead of MoSHBODS_Prob and MoSSBODS_Prob.


Only four of the 13 bets were collects this week, and two of those were for the very much underweight Overs/Unders Fund, which meant that Investors suffered their second loss in three rounds, and their third and largest loss of the season.

The overall round loss for the Combined Portfolio was 3.6c, which moved it to a season-long profit of just under 22c, that from a +38% ROT on a 0.58 turn.