2018 - Round 11 Results - Even More Encouraging

As we noted pre-round, interest this week was never going to be about the Head-to-Head Tipster race, which saw absolutely no change in the ordering with all but Home Sweet Home bagging 7 from 9 for the round.

That left ENS_Linear one tip clear at the top of the Leaderboard, now on 70.5 from 98 (72%).

There was much more of a story amongst the Margin Predictors, where MoSSBODS_Marg recorded a mean absolute error (MAE) of 27.9 points per game, almost 3.5 points per game lower than any other Predictor. C_Marg had the second-best MAE, and MoSHBODS_Marg the third best.

Those results have not changed the ranking of any of those Predictors, but it has substantially cut MoSSBODS_Marg's gap to the leaders, which now seems far more surmountable.

The outright leader of the Margin Predictors continues to be Bookie_Hcap, who now leads Bookie_9 by just over 4 goals, and Bookie_3 and Bookie_LPSO by just over 5 goals.

Each of the Head-to-Head Probability Predictors recorded its best probability scoring of the season, best of all MoSSBODS_Prob who moved into 4th on the Leaderboard as a result. Bookie_LPSO still holds top spot, slightly ahead of Bookie_RE.


The GWS win late on Sunday ensured that the round would be a profitable one for Investors, all of it attributable to the Line Fund, which this week recorded a 4 from 5 result and a gain of almost 7c.

The two other Funds made losses, small in the case of the Overs/Unders Fund, and a bit larger in the case of the Head-to-Head Fund, which lamented most of all Port Adelaide's inability to get across the line on Saturday. Their 3-point loss also prevented a perfect result for the Line Fund, which had Port getting 2.5 points start.

Combined, the three Funds added just under 1c to the price of the Combined Portfolio, which is now up by 1.3c on the season, the result of a +1.4% ROI on about a 0.94 turn.