2014 - Team Ratings After Round 14

Nine teams' ChiPS' Ranking changed after Round 14 results, four rising and five falling, though only one team's Ranking altered by more than a single place. Sydney, Geelong, West Coast, Carlton and Brisbane Lions all fell by a single place according to ChiPS, while Port Adelaide, the Kangaroos and GWS all rose by a single place. The Gold Coast were the sole two-rung climbers, clambering over the Eagles and the Blues into 11th.

In other ChiPS news:

  • Fremantle recorded its 5th straight Ratings increase
  • Collingwood racked up its 5th decline in 6 games, though still managed to record a nett increase from Round 9 to Round 14
  • GWS lifted its Rating for the fourth successive round
  • St Kilda's Rating declined for the 8th round in succession and for the 11th (of 13) rounds this season.

A comparison of ChiPS' and MARS' Ratings now reveals five teams whose Ranking differs by more than a single place:

  • Port Adelaide, ranked 2nd by ChiPS and 4th by MARS
  • Geelong, ranked 7th by ChiPS and 5th by MARS
  • Richmond, ranked 9th by ChiPS and 12th by MARS
  • West Coast, ranked 12th by ChiPS and 9th by MARS
  • GWS, ranked 16th by ChiPS and 18th by MARS

Given that, it's unsurprising that the ChiPS and MARS Ratings charts by team this week once again scream "broad agreement".

Turning next to the Rankings of the full suite of MatterOfStats Team Rating Systems, we find that the highest and lowest Rankings differ by more than two places for only seven teams.

The differences for those seven teams are for:

  • Fremantle, who are Ranked 1st by ODM and 4th by ChiPS and Colley
  • Gold Coast, who are Ranked 8th by Colley and 11th by ChiPS and MARS
  • GWS, who are Ranked 14th by Colley and 18th by MARS
  • Melbourne, who are Ranked 12th by Colley and 16th by ODM
  • Port Adelaide, who are Ranked 1st by Colley and 4th by MARS and ODM
  • Richmond, who are Ranked 9th by ChiPS and 17th by Colley
  • West Coast, who are Ranked 8th by Massey and ODM, and 12th by ChiPS

Next, we turn to the ODM Ranking of teams based on their Offensive and Defensive capabilities.

Focussing solely on teams whose ODM Offensive and Defensive Rankings differ by 5 places or more we find:

  • Essendon, Ranked 7th Defensively and 14th Offensively (and 11th Overall)
  • Fremantle, Ranked 1st Defensively and 6th Offensively (and 1st Overall)
  • Geelong, Ranked 10th Defensively and 5th Offensively (and 7th Overall)
  • Gold Coast, Ranked 13th Defensively and 4th Offensively (and 10th Overall)
  • GWS, Ranked 18th Defensively and 12th Offensively (and 15th Overall)
  • Hawthorn, Ranked 6th Defensively and 1st Offensively (and 2nd Overall)
  • Melbourne, Ranked 9th Defensively and 18th Offensively (and 16th Overall)

Finally, if we assess the simple predictive accuracy of the various Systems we find that ChiPS remains the most accurate, 3 tips ahead of MARS.

After that we find that:

  • Massey trails MARS by 7 tips
  • ODM Defence trails MARS by 8 tips
  • ODM trails MARS by 10 tips
  • ODM Offence trails MARS by 12 tips
  • Colley trails MARS by 12 tips