Winning Scores and Underdogs' Chances

Recently, I noted, somewhat in passing in this piece on close game and blowouts, the decline in overall team scoring, a topic that's receiving not a little attention within the football community at the moment, fuelled partly by some recent low-scoring games, in particular the Dees v Lions encounter.

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On Choosing Strong Classifiers for Predicting Line Betting Results

The themes in this blog have been bouncing around in my thoughts - in virtual and in unpublished blog form - for quite a while now. My formal qualifications are as an Econometrician but many of the models that I find myself using in MoS come from the more recent (though still surprisingly old) Machine Learning (ML) discipline, which I'd characterise as being more concerned with the predictive ability of a model than with its theoretical pedigree. (Breiman wrote a wonderful piece on this topic, entitled Statistical Modelling: The Two Cultures, back in 2005.)

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Clustering Your Way To Line Betting Success : Building a Predictive Model

In the previous blog I used a clustering algorithm - Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM) as it happens - to group games that were similar in terms of pre-game TAB Bookmaker odds, the teams' MARS Ratings, and whether or not the game was an Interstate clash. There it turned out that, even though I'd clustered using only pre-game data, the resulting clusters were highly differentiated with respect to the line betting success rates of the Home teams in each cluster.
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Clustering Your Way To Line Betting Success

For today's blog I'll be creating a game clustering that uses as input only the information that we might reasonably know pre-game - for example, the pre-game team MARS Ratings, Bookmaker prices (or some metric derived from them), and information about the game venue.
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