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2023 - Team Ratings After Round 26

The Giants impressed both MoS Systems enough on Saturday night to have them both install GWS as their top-rated team. MoSSBODS also thought Melbourne did enough to earn 2nd place ahead of the Lions, while MoSHBODS was happy to leave the Lions marginally ahead of the Dees.

Collingwood, despite not playing, rose a spot on both Systems into 8th on MoSSBODS and 6th on MoSHBODS.

The correlation between MoSSBODS and MoSHBODS Combined Ratings now stands at +0.9925 and, roughly speaking, each team’s Combined MoSHBODS Rating is about 3.59 times its Combined MoSSBODS Rating.

On the Component Ratings, on offence we find MoSSBODS now with a Top 3 of Giants, Crows, and Lions, and MoSHBODS with a Top 3 of Giants, Lions, and Crows. On defence MoSSBODS still has a Top 3 of Dees, Dockers, and Lions, while MoSHBODS still has it as Dees, Dockers, and Saints.

MoSSBODS now has 8 teams rated as above average on offence, while MoSHBODS has 10 teams so rated. As well, MoSSBODS still has 12 teams rated as above average on defence, while MoSHBODS has 10.

On MoSSBODS, 6 teams are now rated positively on offence and defence (up 1), 4 are rated negatively on both (no change), two are rated positively on offence but negatively on defence (no change), and 6 are rated negatively on offence but positively on defence (down 1).

The correlation between the teams’ MoSSBODS offensive and defensive Ratings now stands at +0.56, which is up a little this week.

And, finally, to MARS, which re-ranked seven teams this week, most notably moving the Pies ahead of the Dees, and the Blues ahead of the Power.

GWS is also up two places into 8th, meaning that this year’s Preliminary Finalists are ranked 1st, 2nd, 5th, and 8th, according to MARS.

By way of contrast, for MoSSBODS we have 1st, 3rd, 8th, and 10th, and for MoSHBODS 1st, 2nd, 6th, and 8th.

Last year, MARS had the Preliminary Finalists ranked 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 9th, while both the MoS twins had them ranked 1st, 2nd, 7th, and 8th.

TheMARS Rating Gap between 1st and 3rd now stands at just over 4 Rating Points, which equates to about 3 actual points on a neutral venue.

There remain 11 teams rated better-than-average by MARS.

Looking finally at the range of rankings that the three Systems have attached to each team we find that GWS and Geelong (8 spots) have the widest range of rankings, and that there are six more teams for whom the rankings span a range of more than two spots.

There are also four teams that the Systems unanimously rank the same way: Gold Coast, North Melbourne,Richmond, and West Coast.

The average range for the rankings is 2.8 spots per team. In 2022 at this stage it was only 1.1 spots per team and the Systems agreed about the exact ranking of seven teams and differed by only 1 spot for five more teams.

MARS has the most extreme rankings for 12 teams, MoSSBODS for five, and MoSHBODS for only two.

MoSHBODS and MARS agree about the ranking of five teams, MoSSBODS and MARS also about five, and MoSSBODS and MoSHBODS now about the ranking of 11 teams.