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2018 - Team Ratings After Round 24 (Week 1 of the Finals)

Richmond preserved their narrow leads on both the MoSSBODS and MoSHBODS Team Rating Systems, remaining just 0.3 Scoring Shots ahead of Melbourne on MoSSBODS, and dropping 0.2 points on MoSHBODS where their lead is now only 1.5 Points.

In total, the weekend's results moved eight teams on MoSSBODS and seven on MoSHBODS, the big movers being:

  • West Coast (up 2 spots on MoSSBODS into 4th)
  • Geelong (down 2 spots on MoSSBODS into 7th and down 2 spots on MoSHBODS into 6th)
  • GWS (up 3 spots on MoSHBODS into 3rd) 

That left the two Systems with the same Top 3 of Richmond, Melbourne and GWS, and agreeing, in total, about the ranking of nine teams, while differing in the ranking of only St Kilda by more than a single place. MoSSBODS has them 12th and MoSHBODS 14th.

Looking next at the component ratings, we see that:

  • MoSSBODS still has a Top 3 on offence of Melbourne, Richmond, and then Adelaide
  • MoSHBODS still has a Top 3 on offence of Melbourne, Richmond, and then Essendon
  • MoSSBODS now has a Top 3 on defence of Melbourne, Richmond, and then GWS, with both Collingwood and West Coast falling out of the Top 3 this week
  • MoSHBODS has a Top 3 on defence of Richmond, West Coast and then GWS, with Collingwood also falling out of the Top 3 this week on this System

On offence, Melbourne is now rated 1 Scoring Shot better than Richmond by MoSSBODS, and 4.4 points better than Richmond by MoSHBODS.

On defence, Richmond is rated 1.3 Scoring Shots better than Melbourne by MoSSBODS, and 3.8 points better than West Coast by MoSHBODS.

Across all 18 teams, we now have Melbourne ranked 2th by MoSSBODS on defence, and 6th by MoSHBODS, with no other team ranked more than two places differently on either offence or defence by the two Systems. 

The latest version of the animated GIF of MoSSBODS ratings appears below, and shows movements up or down by 0.5 Scoring Shots or more on either offence or defence only for:

  • Richmond +0.6 on offence
  • Sydney -1.0 on offence
  • Geelong -0.7 on offence
  • GWS +1.0 on defence
  • Melbourne +0.7 on defence
  • Hawthorn -0.6 on defence

On Combined Rating, the big movers were:

  • GWS +1.3 / Sydney -1.3
  • Melbourne +0.6 / Geelong -0.6
  • Richmond +0.6 / Hawthorn -0.6

As things stand now:

  • eight teams have a positive offensive and a positive defensive rating (unchanged from last week)
  • one has a positive offensive and a negative defensive rating (unchanged from last week)
  • three have a negative offensive and a positive defensive rating (unchanged from last week)
  • six have a negative offensive and a negative defensive rating (unchanged from last week)

In total, nine teams now have a positive offensive rating while 11 have a positive defensive rating.

ChiPS re-ranked just four teams this week, moving West Coast and GWS into 5th and 6th, and dropping Hawthorn and Sydney into 7th and 8th.

MARS moved only three teams, leap-frogging GWS into 6th and dropping Hawthorn and Sydney one place each to accommodate the move.

Both Systems still agree that the Top 3 teams are Richmond, Melbourne, and Geelong.

More broadly, the two Systems agree about the ranking of 10 teams, and differ by more than two places only in their ranking of Adelaide, which ChiPS ranks 12th and MARS 9th.

Looking across the team rankings of all four Systems we find the largest disparities for:

  • Sydney, ranked five places differently across the Rating Systems, from 8th to 13th
  • Geelong, ranked four places differently across the Rating Systems, from 3rd to 7th
  • Essendon, ranked four places differently across the Rating Systems, from 6th to 10th
  • Adelaide, ranked four places differently across the Rating Systems, from 8th to 12th
  • No other team is ranked more than three places differently across the Rating Systems.