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2023 - Round 18 Results - A Slight Swerve

Some more solid head-to-head tipping from the MoS trio saw them retain the Top 3 spots on the Leaderboard, with MoSHBODS_Marg doing best in scoring 8 from 9 to set up a one tip lead over MoSHPlay_Marg, and a two tip lead over MoSSBODS_Marg. First and seventh are now separated by five tips.

The all-Tipster average for the round was 6.6 from 9, which took the all-season figure to 102.2 from 153 (67%).

The Margin Predictors’ mean absolute errors (MAEs) were much higher this week and covered a range from MoSHPlay_Marg’s 23.1 points per game to MoSSBODS_Marg’s 27.7 points per game, with the all-Predictor average coming in at 24.4 points per game per Predictor, which is almost 10 points higher than last week.

MoSHPlay_Marg marginally extended its lead over Bookie_LPSO, which now stands at just over 6 goals, while MoSSBODS_Marg’s poor performance saw it fall from 7th to 9th, which is the lowest ranking it has held all season. MoSHBODS_Marg also did relatively poorly, and fell from 3rd to 6th.

Log probability scores were all positive again this week, but highest once more for MoSHPlay_Prob, which allowed it to retain 1st place on the Leaderboard. MoSHBODS_Prob’s score for the round was 2nd-highest, but not quite good enough to lift it out of 3rd spot on the Leaderboard.


The Tigers teased on Sunday evening, but ultimately failed to deliver, which meant that the Line Fund finished down just over 2% on the round.

That, coupled with red ink from the Head-to-Head and Overs/Unders Funds, saw the Combined Portfolio fall by 1.6c, which left it up by just over 11c on the season, that from a 15% ROT on an 0.76 turn.