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2022 - Round 14 Results - MoS Still Green

Only three favourites won this week, which afforded some opportunities for successful contrarian tips. MoSHBODS_Marg took almost full advantage, bagging five from six to open up a one tip gap over MoSSBODS_Marg, who managed four from six to claim outright second on the Leaderboard.

The all-Tipster average was just 3.8 from 6, dropping the all-Tipster all-season average back to a still-respectable 67.5%.

There was almost a five points per game range in the Margin Predictor mean absolute errors (MAEs) this week, the best being MoSHBODS_Marg’s 23.8 points per game, and the worst Bookie_3’s 28.5 points per game.

The Leaderboard saw Bookie_LPSO retake fourth place back from Bookie_3, and ENS_Linear fall back into last spot.

The all-Predictor average came in at 25.8 points per game, which took the all-season all-Predictor average to 25.9 points per game.

Log probability scores were all positive yet again this week, but far higher for the MoS trio than for the bookmaker-based contestants. MoSSBODS_Prob’s was best, but only slightly ahead of MoSHBODS_Prob, which left the Leaderboard ordering unchanged.


A return to profit, at last, for Investors, and a sufficiently large one to more than wipe out the losses of the previous two bye-affected rounds.

The overall round profit for the Combined Portfolio was 1.8c, which moved it to a season-long profit of just under 25c, that from a +36% ROT on a 0.68 turn.