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2021 - Team Ratings After Round 26

The Dogs remained in 2nd place behind the Dees on both Systems this week, but now trail by only 2.4 Scoring Shots on MoSSBODS, and by 7.1 Points on MoSHBODS.

The only teams moving spots were Port Adelaide, who fell three spots to 6th on both Systems, Brisbane Lions, who climbed two spots into 3rd on both Systems despite not playing, and Sydney, who climbed one spot into 5th on both Systems, also without playing.

That left the two Systems agreeing about the top seven and the bottom three teams.

The correlation between MoSSBODS’ and MoSHBODS’ Combined Ratings now stands at +0.9943.

On the Component Ratings, on Offence MoSSBODS now has a Top 3 of Dees, Lions, and Dogs, while MoSHBODS has it as Lions, Dees, and then Dogs. On Defence, both Systems have Top 3s of Dees, Dogs, and Cats.

Only five teams are above-average on offence, according to MoSSBODS, and just six teams according to MoSHBODS. Twelve teams are above-average on defence, however, according to both Systems.

The correlation between the teams’ MoSSBODS offensive and defensive Ratings now stands at +0.77, which is up a little on last week’s number.

In the animation below, we can see the path that each team has taken to arrive at its current Rating.

The two charts below look solely at the two Grand Finalists, and place their individual and combined Ratings into an historical context.

In this first chart we see that, in historical terms, both teams now have Ratings that have been associated with Grand Finalists, Melbourne’s moreso with winners, and Western Bulldogs’ with runners up.

In this second chart we see that, collectively, the two teams are about mid-pack offensively, and overall 11th defensively.

Lastly, to MARS, where we find that Melbourne and Western Bulldogs have both risen 3 spots to fill 1st and 2nd on the Leaderboard, driving Brisbane Lions, Port Adelaide, and Geelong down 2 spots each.

Looking across the three Team Rating Systems, MARS continues to provide the most outlying rankings, it having the outright most extreme ranking for eight teams now. By comparison, MoSSBODS has the outright most extreme ranking for only four teams, and MoSHBODS for only two.

MoSSBODS and MoSHBODS agree about the ranking of 12 teams, MoSSBODS and MARS about the ranking of seven teams, and MoSHBODS and MARS about the ranking of 10 teams.

Lastly, if we consider the range of rankings that the three Systems have attached to each team, we find that West Coast has the widest range of rankings (four spots), while 16 teams have rankings that differ by no more than two spots, including Adelaide, Brisbane Lions, Essendon, Gold Coast, North Melbourne, and Western Bulldogs, about whom all three Systems agree on a ranking.