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2019 - Round 18 Results - And, Who's Best Now?

Not a great round for MoSHPlay, in any of its forms, which allowed, for starters, Bookie Knows Best, the RSMP twins, and ENS_Linear to join it atop the Head-to-Head Tipsters Leaderboard. Those five are now on 99 from 153 (65%).

For the Margin Predictors, mean absolute errors (MAEs) were generally lower this week, with the all-Predictor average coming in at 23.8 points per game headed by RSMP_Simple’s best of the bunch 22.3 points per game, and with MoSHPlay_Marg’s 28.4 points per game average very much the worst of the bunch.

It’s MAE was almost 3 points per game worse than any other Predictor’s, a result that saw it slip to 9th, its equal-lowest position this season barring its last place ranking at the end of Round 1.

To round things out, MoSHPlay_Prob did worst of all the Head-to-Head Probability Predictors this week too, although it was joined by all three bookmaker-based Predictors in recording negative log probability scores. The best result this week was C_Prob’s, but MoSSBODS_Prob, who recorded the second-best result, did enough to retain first position on the Leaderboard.


For those of you reading this who are, this season, following me for the first time, please be aware that not all MoS wagering seasons have been like this one, as this page from the site will attest.

With that by way of caveat, I’ll note that Round 18 produced the largest single-round profit of the season for Investors, with the Overs/Unders Fund the only one of the three not to finish in the black. Combined, the Head-to-Head and Line Funds landed 6 from 7 wagers.

As a result, all up, the Combined Portfolio rose in value by 4.4c to leave it priced at $1.28, this result coming now from a 19.8% ROT on a 1.41 turn of the Portfolio Funds.