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2018 - Round 18 Results - A Small Step Back

Just two underdog wins this week, and none of the Head-to-Head Tipster front-runners tipping either sees the round finish with ENS_Linear still two tips clear and now on 110.5 from 153 (72%). 

MoSSBODS_Marg was unable to continue its streak of recording the best mean absolute error (MAE) amongst the Margin Predictors, that honour going to Bookie_3 this week with a 25.2 points per game performance, which was good enough to lift it past Bookie_9 and Bookie_LPSO, and into 2nd place.

The only other change was MoSSBODS_Marg's slipping back behind ENS_Linear and into 6th, about 12 points behind.

Probability Scores for the Head-to-Head Probability Predictors were all near zero for the week, with the best being Bookie_OE's and the worst C_Prob's. MoSSBODS_Prob's was mildly negative, but enough to see it slip back into 3rd behind Bookie_OE and Bookie_RE.


With the Eagles v Dogs game failing by a goal to deliver a profit on the overs bet in that game, and a couple of late goals in the Blues v Hawks game doing similarly to prevent a profit on the unders bet there, Investors suffered another, small loss this week.

It'd be unfair, though, to blame the Overs/Unders Fund for this week's loss, and far more appropriate to lay it at the feet of the Head-to-Head Fund, which desperately needed the Lions to prevail to finish the weekend in profit. As it transpired, that Fund went 0 and 4 to drop almost 6c on the round and finish down just over 17c on the season.

In summary, both the Head-to-Head and Overs/Unders Fund made losses that the Line Fund couldn't cover, so the Combined Portfolio shed another 1c of value across the round. It finished down by 4.8c on the season from a -3.3% ROI on about a 1.47 turn.

There is still time ...