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2011 Round 25 Results: A Morsel of Profit

I think Sunday's game provided ample support for my claims that the Dons were lucky to make the 8 this year and that the Blues are a better side than their 5th-place finish might suggest. The Blues' 62-point victory over the Dons was worth 5c to Investors and more than erased the losses incurred earlier in the weekend by the Pies' inability to cover their 30.5 point spread and the Saints inability to defeat the Swans, let alone go anywhere near covering their 18.5 point spread.

In all, Portfolios rose by just 0.7c over the weekend - not a huge result, I admit, but certainly optimally signed.

With just five games remaining in the season it's going to take some bold wagering by the Line Fund if we're to give profitability a nudge.

The Saints were the only favourites to lose this weekend, which meant that most of the Head-to-Head Tipsters bagged 3 from 4 for the round. The all-tipster average was 2.8 from 4, dragged below 3 by the 4 tipsters that predicted the Hawks to upset the Cats. BKB and Bookie_9, which both scored 3 from 4 for the weekend, retain outright leadership on 144.5 from 191 (76%), one tip ahead of Combo_NN_1 - one of the tipsters to predict a Hawks' victory - and Combo_NN_2 on 143.5 (75%).

Margin prediction was of moderate difficulty this week, the all-Predictor average finishing at 30.26 points per game for the Round. Best was Combo_NN_2 with 27.85 points per game, while next best amongst the top 5 Predictors was Bookie_9 with 29.56 points per game, followed by Combo_7 with 30.43 points per game. Bookie_3, whose average now stands at 29.77 points per game, remains the only Margin Predictor with a season-long average of under 30. Combo_7, still 2nd based on season-long performance, now has an average of 30.37 points per game and retains some chance of finishing the season with a sub-30 average.

The Margin Predictors averaged 2 from 4 on line betting, with Bookie_9 performing best, scoring 3 from 4, and Bookie_3 performing worst, scoring 1 from 4. ProPred_3 still has the best season-long accuracy rate, which now stands at 55.5%.

All the Head-to-Head Probability Predictors except ProPred registered positive probability scores. The Line Fund algorithm, thanks mainly to Carlton, registered a probability score close enough to zero to call it zero.