Matter of Stats

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MatterOfStats 2020 : Team Dashboard for Round 12

Based on the latest Team Dashboard statistics, those most correlated with teams’ competition ladder position (adjusted for games played) are:

  • Teams’ ranking on the MoS Win Prediction Function (+0.89)

  • Teams’ ranking on Points Scored per Game (+0.87)

  • Teams’ ranking on Own Scoring Shots per Game and % of Quarters Won (+0.86)

  • Teams’ ranking on Goals Scored per Game (+0.83)

  • Teams’ ranking on Q1 Performances (+0.80)

  • Teams’ ranking on Opponent Scoring Shots per Game (+0.76)

At the other end of the correlation spectrum, so far it remains the case that the teams’ rankings on Own and Opponent Scoring Shots Conversion are almost perfected uncorrelated with their ranking on the competition ladder, and that their ranking on Q2 and Q4 performances are similarly unhelpful in predicting ladder spots.

The full Team Dashboard appears below, with only one team (GWS) who’s scored fewer points that it has conceded and yet still lies in the Top 8.

One notable feature of the current Top 8 is that they’re 17-5 across the last three rounds, and 17-8 for the three rounds prior to that.