Matter of Stats

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MatterOfStats 2017 : Team Dashboard for Round 9

The latest Team Dashboard appears below, which I order during the bye rounds firstly on the basis of competition points gained per game played. This week that sees the Gold Coast occupying 12th place rather than the 15th place that a traditional treatment would imply.

By way of analysis this week, let's look at the rank correlations between teams' competition ladder rankings (with Gold Coast's ranked determined as just discussed) and their rankings on the various metrics from the Team Dashboard.

We find that the correlation between ladder ranking and ranking on:

  • Scoring Shot production is +0.67
  • Scoring Shot concession is +0.47
  • Own Conversion is +0.14
  • Opponent Conversion is +0.29
  • Q1 Performances is +0.01
  • Q2 Performances is +0.37
  • Q3 Performances is +0.52
  • Q4 Performances is +0.87

In summary, success this season has so far been most associated with Scoring Shot generation and with second-half performances.

The incredibly small association of ladder position with Q1 performances is mostly a result of:

  • Essendon's 1st-placed ranking on this metric (but 10th place on the ladder)
  • Sydney's 3rd / 13th
  • The Kangaroos' 4th / 15th
  • Hawthorn's 7th / 17th
  • Fremantle's 14th / 5th
  • Adelaide's 17th / 1st
  • The Western Bulldogs' 18th / 8th